Executive Director
Upper Mississippi River Basin Association
415 Hamm Bldg, 408 St. Peter Street
St. Paul, MN 55102
(651) 224-2880 |
Through ICWP, members are able to work collaboratively with other state and interstate organizations to learn from one another, elevate their issues and needs at a national scale, and better understand how issues they are facing are being felt and dealt with in other places of the country.
Kirsten Wallace was appointed Executive Director for the Upper Mississippi River Basin Association (UMRBA) in 2018. The Association is a 5-state interstate organization formed by the Governors of Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, and Wisconsin to coordinate the states’ river-related programs and policies and work with federal agencies that have river responsibilities. In her position, Wallace develops regional positions, advocates the states’ collective interests before Congress and the federal agencies, and facilitates and fosters interagency coordination, cooperation, and communication. Prior to her role as Executive Director, Wallace served as UMRBA’s Ecosystem and Navigation Program Director for ten years.
Wallace received a Master in Public Affairs degree and a Master in Environmental Science degree from Indiana University-Bloomington, concentrating in policy analysis, public finance administration, and water resources. Wallace received a B.A. in Political Science, with a minor in Economics, from Gustavus Adolphus College in Minnesota.