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Results of ICWP Membership Priorities Survey, December 2019


TO:            ICWP Membership

DATE:        January 2, 2020

RE:            Priorities Survey Results and 2020 Workplans

Many thanks to those of you who filled out the ICWP priorities survey this past fall.  We have now summarized the results by question in the attached spreadsheet (below).  As you may recall, there were two parts to the survey.  The first section asked you to rank each topic on a scale of 1 to 10 to understand your relative preference for each question topic.  In the second section, we asked you to rank among the same topics.  Not surprising, many of the issues that ICWP has worked on for a number of years were ranked high.  These include working on the Water Resources Development Act with Congressional Committees and continuing our leadership role in the annual Streamgaging Stakeholder Support letter for USGS going programs.  Drought related issues also rated high in both sections of the survey.

Here are the top ranked issues for both sections:

Part I—Ranked on scale of 1 to 10

Should ICWP work with Congressional committees on items to include in the next Water Resources Development Act? (112 points)

The National Drought Resilience Partnership recently released their Action Plan which included sections such as Data Collection and Integration, Communication and Coordinating Drought Activity.  Should ICWP be working on these Drought issues in partnership with NIDIS and other water organizations?  (111 points)

Should ICWP continue to spearhead the development of a US Geological Survey Streamgaging Stakeholder Support letter? (104 points)

Should ICWP work on USACE Planning Assistance to States Program, including on items such as cost share and implementation?  (104 points)

Work with interstate water organizations to highlight, promote and nourish regional approaches and effective organizations.  (104 points)

Part II-Ranked on scale of 1 to 5

Should ICWP continue to spearhead the development of a US Geological Survey Streamgaging Stakeholder Support letter?  (25 points)

The National Drought Resilience Partnership recently released their Action Plan which included sections such as Data Collection and Integration, Communication and Coordinating Drought Activity.  Should ICWP b working on these Drought issues in partnership with NIDIS and other water organizations? (24 points)

Should ICWP work with Congressional committees on items to include in the next Water Resources Development Act? (24 points)

As you may know, the substantive work of ICWP is accomplished through four ICWP committees.  A joint meeting of all four committees is being held on Wednesday, January 8 at 9 a.m. Central time to review the results of the survey and to assure that the highest-ranking topics are being addressed by at least one of the committees in their 2020 workplan.  Membership to the committees is open continually and if you or staff members would like to be added to the committee rosters and to participate in the January 8 webinar, please send Sue an email at Sue.ICWP@gmail.com.  The four committees are:

            Water Data and Science

            Legislation and Policy

            Water Planning

            Interstate Water Management

ICWP gets its strength by addressing the topics that are important to you, the members.  Please help us assure that we are concentrating on items of highest importance to you by serving on one of our committees.  More information about the committees, including minutes of their past work can be found on ICWP’s website at www.icwp.org

Summary of highest ranking topics by each question asked in the survey: