
Legislation & Policy Committee Meeting Summary Dec. 10, 2018 Conference Call

Meeting Summary

Legislation and Policy Committee

December 10, 2018

8 a.m. Mtn, 9 a.m. Central; 10 a.m. Eastern Time

  1. Call to Order—Executive Director Sue Lowry called the meeting to order at 8:03 a.m. MST as Kirsten Wallace, Chair was a few minutes late joining the call.
  2. All participants introduced themselves including their agency and brief background. On the call were:  Kirsten Wallace, Committee Chair; UMRBA; Brian Atkins, Alabama DECA and ICWP Chair; Tom Littlepage, Alabama DECA; Beth Callaway, Wyoming State Engineer’s Office; Gail Melgren, Tri-State Water Coalition; Jennifer Hoggatt, Missouri DNR; Richard Friesner, NEIWPCC; Peter Evans, past ICWP Executive Director; Drew Dehoff, SRBC.
  • Standing up the Committee and General Guidance

The summary of the ICWP Board’s August 2018 strategic planning session was sent to the committee members to reference more detail on the discussion and charge to the Standing Committees.  Among issues for this committee to focus upon in 2019 is preparations and planning for the April 2019 ICWP D.C. Roundtable meeting.

  • Initial Items for Committee to Address:
    • Presidential Memo on Promoting Reliable Supply—dated October 19, 2018 (sent in attachment with agenda)—Peter Evans updated the committee on the work he had completed since this PM was released, mainly with contacts at the USGS.  Although much of the PM focuses upon Western issues (primarily California and the Klamath basins) there are provisions of the document that are nation-wide, particularly Sections 3 and 4.  Sue will reach out to Don Cline at the USGS and see if there are plans underway for developing the Action Plan specifically mentioned in Section 3.  This topic will be discussed at the April Roundtable.  Depending upon what Sue can find out from Don, she will draft a letter for the committee’s review addressed to Asst. Sec. Tim Petty regarding the Action Plan.  
    • USGS Streamgaging Support multi-signature letter—Sue will also ask Don Cline about how the PM as well as the recent NAS report are being viewed in the USGS and any strategy for highlighting points in the stakeholder letter. 
    • Dept. of Interior Reorganization Plans—possible ICWP reaction and feedback to DoI—A letter will be drafted for the committee to review and then recommend to the Board for action during their Jan. 3 call. 
  • Other items for the Committee’s consideration

A short discussion was held about next Congress and that some members who share our concerns about USGS streamgaging and other basic water data will be in good positions when the new congress convenes in Jan. 

  • Next call or webinar—Scheduling and discussion on frequency 

Next call for the Committee was set for Jan. 11 (Friday) at 8 MST; 9 CST; and 10 Eastern.