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Water Data and Science Committee Webinar–February 1, 2022–John Feldt-Blue Water Outlook

YouTube recording link:  https://youtu.be/hFy2rGO5hyI

  1. Call to Order—Chair Amy Shallcross -DRBC was unable to attend today’s meeting and ED Sue Lowry chaired the meeting in her absence.


  1. Introductions of Participants on the call –Sue Lowry, Adel Abdullah, Wei Han, Shawn Jackson, Drew Dehoff, Joy Loughry, Mike Nardolilli, Becca Emery, Jim Schneider, Wade Loseman, Mel Fegler, Peter Colohan, Tom Littlepage, Brian Atkins, John Feldt.


  1. Webinar — Presentation on Blue Water Outlook—John Feldt

Please utilize the link above to the full recording for additional details from John about the services of the Blue Water Outlook (BWO).  BWO considers the needs of each clients’ situation and relationship of weather to water, such as arctic vortexes, El Nino, etc.  The integration of various sources of data for water, weather and climate and his career has mixed all three.  Taking complex weather topics and presenting in a way for other water professionals to understand the impact of that weather aspect is the overall goal of BWO and John feels he honed those skills over his 37 years at NWS.  BWO has clients nationwide.  Each week a product which looks at short term (about 2 weeks) is released over the weekend.  Additionally, 2-3 times per week other topics are covered in material sent on Insight & Analysis of other weather-related topics and Coverage of High Impact Events (drought, snowpack, wildfires, hurricane season).  John offered for a 30-day trial and he will provide Sue with the details on how ICWP members can sign up,


  1. ICWP Internship Program for Spring, 2022—Discuss Study Projects—Many thanks to Joy Loughry for volunteering from this committee to help guide our intern which will be focusing on climate change topics, and reviewing the various federal climate change action plans.


  1. Report out of other ICWP committee activities –Trans-basin Diversion webinars—February 9. Drew reminded the committee that all are invited to the 2/9 initial trans-basin webinar focusing on the Delaware River basin and the diversion out of basin to the New York City area.


  1. Workplan development for the Committee
    1. Workplan updates– Sue reviewed the suggested edits made to the workplan for 2022 and invited the committee to provide feedback on any other topics they would like the committee to review or address during the upcoming year.


  1. Other items for the Committee’s consideration
    1. Support for NOAA-NWS Atlas 14—FLOODS and PRECIP —Authorization in Infrastructure bill-2021
    2. NOAA Seasonal to Sub-Seasonal Forecasting—
    3. Supporting NHD Plus and other mapping efforts
    4. 2022 Streamgaging support letter—Deliver mid-March. A draft of the letter was provided to the committee ahead of this call and members are asked to get their comments to Sue by 2/9 as the letter will then be sent to prospective signatory agencies/organizations in mid-February.  If you are aware of other entities interested in signing on to the coalition, just let Sue know.



  1. Next call or webinar—set for some time during the last 2 weeks of March. The committee will receive a calendar invite when the date is set.




Water Data and Science Committee:  Mission is to educate ICWP members on current data and science trends and to advocate support for data and science programs at the national level.


2019/21 Accomplishments:

  • Letter supporting WUDR and requesting USGS analysis
  • USGS Response on WUDR shared with ICWP members
  • Letter of Support of NWIS Modernization to Don Cline (USGS)
  • GOES Support letter to FCC



Priority Issues for 2022 Workplan


  1. USGS Support
    1. Multi-Signature support letter for Streamgaging Programs (annually)
      1. Early spring letter signed by stakeholders
    2. Support for other Water Mission Area Programs i.e. Water Use, Water Availability, NWIS. Monitor progress of estimates from modeling
    3. Support for integration of NHDPlusHR and 3DEP into comprehensive mapping product


  1. Climate/Weather Extremes/Drought
    1. NIDIS/NDRP—Support baseline, firm funding source for US Drought Monitor
    2. Support for expansion of Drought Impacts Reporter
    3. Flash Drought forecasting



  1. Emerging Tools or Trends in Water Data/Science
    1. Forecast Informed Reservoir Operations
    2. National Water Model Priorities -Especially understanding the underlying models and how those could be used by others
    3. Seasonal to Sub-Seasonal Forecasting



Parking Lot–Other items the Committee could expand/continue to follow:


  1. Internet of Water
  2. Data Portals/Data Exchange
  3. Support for NRCS Snow Survey Program
  4. National Fish Habitat Partnership





Edits made to 2022 Workplan during February 1, 2022 Committee meeting