Interstate Water Management Committee Meeting Summary December 1, 2020–Discussion with Peter Colohan, Internet of Water’s Peer to Peer Network
- Call to Order—Chair Drew Dehoff, SRBC called to order at 9:03 a.m. Central time.
- Introductions of Participants on the call: Drew Dehoff, Chair, Sue Lowry; Peter Colohan; Amy Shallcross; Kirsten Wallace; Pooja Kanwar; Sam Swartz; Jodee Pring; Rhonda Manning; Brian Atkins.
- Discussion with Peter Colohan, Internet of Water (IoW)– Peer to Peer network:
Peter provided a short summary of the work of the IoW which focuses on the plethora of water data that are out “there”, but those wanting to use these data are faced with the dilemma of data being incompatible or non-digital. Peter then focused his comments on the Peer-to-Peer Network established by the IoW. Internally they debated about whether to include federal agencies and decided not to as there was concern about stifling the discussion and may need a robust discussion on concerns with federal databases and data sharing. Instead, there are specifically invited federal participants as needed. IoW Oversight Board decided to allow interstate commission members to join Peer to Peer. Same challenges in sharing and locating data are felt by interstate commissions as by the states. Currently, 26 states have signed up and 80+ individuals have signed up so far. Peter noted the different role for ICWP’s WD&S committee which is to advocate for what data is needed, but IOW and P2P are concerned with sharing the data from those sources. Ideally, data would be formatted in such a way that machine to machine transfer can occur without human intervention. IoW is one of first efforts is to teach holders of data how to make their data API ready. Finding data hubs around the country was one of IoW’s first tasks; they thought there would be more, but now looking to create more.
Timely webinar on Peer to Peer to be held by IOW on Dec. 9 at 1 p.m. Eastern. P2P includes chats, webinars, directory of those who have signed up, forum, spotlight. Sue will send out an invitation to P2P to full ICWP membership.
- Update of the 2006 Interstates Report
- Final Report and Executive Summary—Drew will send the Executive Summary to Sue for posting on the website and then these products will be completed.
- Primer–Should be finished by Christmas and Drew working with Pat to make sure we have an editable version of the 3 products at the end, not just pdf’s.
- Review Principle Statements -suggested edits from ICWP membership during the annual meeting—Comments were received on the statement brought forth by this committee on encouraging federal water agencies to be organized along watershed boundaries. Committee agreed it was OK to not ask Board to pass this statement.
- Intern Topics for Spring, 2021 semester
Will be sending the internship announcement to additional universities this year. Some topics already discussed germane to this committees include:
Researching the funding sources for interstate organizations—do other organizations have fund raising plans; how do they determine what amount from family foundations or other grant sources. Is there a risk that the funder is influencing the organizations’ position on other topics? Drew mentioned that during fracking expansions, SRBC received funding from producers for expanding water quality network.
- ICWP Letter to Biden Transition teams will be reviewed the Board this Thursday. A paragraph is included in the draft letter pointing out the benefits of interstate organizations and encouraging the federal agencies to work with them fully.
- Items for the Committee’s consideration/2021 Workplan
- Issues for committee presentations
- Great Lakes various organizations—how they fit together
- Compact case studies
- Case studies from Interstates Report could also invite speakers to expand on what’s happening currently
- Issues for committee presentations
- Next call or webinar—set date All committee webinar planned for January 7, 2021—2 p.m. Central. January 20 was tentatively selected for the next meeting date of this committee depending upon speaker availability.
Interstate Water Management Committee: Educate public officials about value of interstate water management organizations. Provide a forum for sharing current trends in interstate issues.
2019 Accomplishments:
- Updated the 2006 “Interstate Water Solutions” report
- Drafted an Interstates Water Primer
- Updated Interstate Water Management Case Studies
Issues for 2020 Workplan
- Complete Interstates Report update
- Complete Primer
- Update on MS/TN groundwater litigation
- Compact case studies—Many of our state/interstate members have expertise on individual compacts and their administration. The water quality issues between Arkansas and Oklahoma has been suggested. There are likely other examples across the country. Sue mentioned seeing Stephen Bartell at the ARWA meeting and he is willing to provide an update on the various interstate litigation the Dept. of Justice is involved in.
- Work with interstate water organizations to highlight, promote and nourish regional approaches and effective organizations.
Hear about Federal cases: Stephen Bartell—Solicitor’s office
Federal Reserved Rights Primer (perhaps Norm Johnson could do a similar webinar to what he presented at AWRA)
Ask member states/interstates to give talk on recent litigation
Republican River Basin (KS and NE)
Montana v Wyoming—Chris Brown from Wyoming AG’s office
Ken Brazil mentioned some Water Quality interstate litigation