Interstate Water Management Committee Meeting Summary February 27, 2019 Conference Call
- Call to Order—Chair Drew Dehoff, SRBC at 12:02 p.m. Mountain time
- Introductions of Participants on the call: Drew Dehoff, Chair, SRBC; Sue Lowry, ICWP Executive Director; Heidi Moltz, ICPRB; Julie Ekman, MNDNR; Brian Atkins, Alabama OWR; Rhonda Manning, PADEP.
- Work Plan Items for Committee to Address:
- Purpose Statement to Guide the Review and Update the 2006 Interstates Report written by ICWP
- Update should include an inventory of interstate organization and commissions across the U.S.
- Develop an Interstate Water Management “Primer” document
- Make assignments for review and Update of sections
Drew summarized the highlights of the Purpose/Statement of Update draft that Sue had sent to the committee. Our intent is not a full re-write, more like an updated edition of a textbook. We will concentrate on areas where there may be new interstate organizations, list any that may have ceased and focus on the case studies. The primer is likely to be the most heavily used product and getting a strong outline and perhaps a draft completed will be assigned to the intern working on the report. Heidi summarized the main focus points for the intern:
1. Identifying new organizations for inclusion in the report as well as organizations that may have dissolved and should be removed.
2. Gathering information for Section 4b on relevant statutory provisions, beginning with a search to see if there is an existing compilation of this information.
3. Organizing information for the Interstate Water Management Primer (e.g. developing an outline, pulling relevant information from the full report).
4. Make a brief presentation at the Roundtable on her findings /project.
- Interstate focus for Panels at the Washington Roundtable
- Facilitated discussion on Report Update during Roundtable (Tuesday)
Drew described the general goals for asking those attending the RT what would be most important to them to cover in the update to the 2006 report. We will also ask questions such as how would you plan to use the report, the primer, are there particular case studies that would be of interest, and are there gaps in our understanding or messaging on the importance of interstate organizations. Also, are there geographic gaps, i.e. basins that could benefit from some sort of intestate governance.
- Suggest Interstate water management questions to pose to Water Sub-Cabinet at Wed. afternoon event? —Heidi Moltz giving presentation on ICPRB example of basin wide planning and challenges of supplying water to the greater DC metro area during the non-federal panel portion of the meeting. Sue mentioned that the WSWC staff has a robust list of questions already developed. She will send the list to Drew and he will review of any needed interstate-focused additions.
- ICWP Internship Program—Emily’s focus points were outlined above in item 3(b).
- Other items for the Committee’s consideration—Assignment: Ask all of the Interstate Committee members to read the full 2006 report. Re-write and case study assignments will be made during the first committee call after the RT.
- Next call or webinar—March 21 at 9 a.m. Central. Main topic will be to discuss the facilitated discussion portion of the RT meeting.