Interstate Water Management Committee Meeting Summary November 5, 2019 Conference Call
- Call to Order—Chair Drew Dehoff, SRBC at 9:04 a.m. central (a few folks had issues with the conference line)
- Introductions of Participants on the call: Drew Dehoff, SRBC, Chair, Sue Lowry, ICWP; Rhonda Manning, PADEP; Amy Shallcross, DRBC; Ken Brazil, ARNRC; Brian Atkins, AL-OWR; Heidi Moltz, ICPRB; Sam Swartz, WYSEO; Randall Doneen, MNDNR
- Update of the 2006 Interstates Report
- Recap Annual meeting discussions on report –Drew went through the main topics discussed during the breakout groups at Mobile during the Annual Meeting, summarized by each of the 3 questions asked. Drew will send out his summary.
- Finalizing Report and Primer—Drew now has a draft of the section that was missing on authorities in the 2006 report that his new counsel researched and wrote. The graphics lay-out contractor that Drew works with has some water background and can make suggestions in areas where the report might feel “written by committee”.
- Roll out details—Shooting for early 2020 for release. Once a near final draft is ready, Drew will send out for one more review to the Committee and the Board. No other remaining writing or sections needed.
- Discuss Priorities Survey results
- All-committee call to divide priorities into committee 2020 workplans has been scheduled for Jan. 8 at 9 a.m. Central. Sue will send out the spreadsheet of results. Twelve surveys have been received and the deadline was extended until today for submissions.
- Other items for the Committee’s consideration
- Begin to develop other issues for 2020 Workplan
- Update on MS/TN groundwater litigation
- Compact case studies—Many of our state/interstate members have expertise on individual compacts and their administration. Ken mentioned the water quality issues between Arkansas and Oklahoma and the litigation. There are likely other examples across the country. Sue mentioned seeing Stephen Bartell at the ARWA meeting and he is willing to provide an update on the various interstate litigation the Dept. of Justice is involved in.
- Begin to develop other issues for 2020 Workplan
Survey results will also give direction on future topics for the committee to address in 2020. .
Information sharing: Randall discussed a recent situation in MN. Under MN statutes, preliminary well assessments are completed prior to the expense of drilling wells. DNR recently received a proposal from a company that wanted to drill deep wells and was going to export the water. The wells location was outside of the Great Lakes watershed, but in an area of the Upper Mississippi where there is a provision for notification, not prohibited like in the Great Lakes watershed. This was in an aquifer reserved for potable use in Twin Cities area. Got lots of media attention as the proposed use was to load the water onto tanker cars and ship the water via railroad to the southwestern part of the US. Randall believes it is unlikely that the proposal will receive permits from DNR.
- Next call or webinar—Drew will send an updated, near final draft to the committee when it is ready. If he needs anything further to finalize the report, he will reach out. All committees meeting is set for Jan. 8 at 9 a.m. Central.