Interstate Water Management Committee Meeting Summary September 23, 2019 Conference Call
Call to Order—Chair Drew Dehoff, SRBC—called to order at 9:02 a.m. Central
Introductions of Participants on the call—Drew Dehoff, SRBC and Chair; Sue Lowry, ICWP; Heidi Moltz, ICPRB; Amy Shallcross, DRBC; Rhonda Manning, PADEP; Brian Atkins, AL OWR; Matt Kearns, WVDEP.
Update of the 2006 Interstates Report
Draft report progress—Drew recapped that a draft of the report has been sent to the Board. Drew received a few comments, but no major changes . Drew does have new Counsel on staff and he is working on the missing section on statutory authority and Drew also had a summer intern who worked in the Primer that Emily started. The graphic designer that SRBC has on contract has taken a look at the report.
Annual meeting discussions on report —Drew asked that input be particularly focused on the Emerging Factors & Lessons Learned sections. Amy suggested sending out the Fact Sheet to the Mobile attendees a few days prior to the meeting. Sue will send out a pre-meeting mailing to the attendees and include the one-page Fact Sheet on the updated report.
Finalizing timeframe post-Mobile—will depend upon input received and timing of graphic designer. January 2020 release date will be our target for both the updated report and the Primer.
Review Summary one-pager for use in breakout groups at the ICWP Annual Meeting in Mobile, AL Oct. 9
Changes to one-pager summary for Mobile packet—get any suggested changes to Sue in the next few days.
Logistics of breakout groups
Spread committee members among breakouts—Get 2 bullet points from each group during the Break and then at the start of Panel 2 Drew will re-cap what we heard. Sue will add that to the Mobile agenda. Drew will have a revised draft that includes the statutory section and the Chesapeake case study to Sue for posting to the website ahead of sending the fact sheet to the Mobile attendees. (Shooting for Oct. 1).
Final review of Interstate topics on survey of issues priorities of ICWP members and prospects—Survey members at Mobile. Discussed the wording of the Interstate related questions. Agreed that 5 was a good number for the Part II questions so as to not dilute the responses among too many topics.
Other items for the Committee’s consideration—Sue mentioned that there is a researcher at Kansas State University working on summarizing the interbasin transfers that are across the nation. This seems to be a topic that would be good for the entire ICWP membership to be invited to participate. Sue will contact Dr. Marston and try to schedule during the week of Oct. 21.
Next call or webinar—Tuesday, Nov. 5 at 9 a.m. Central time.