Water Data and Science Committee Meeting Summary January 23, 2020 Webinar–Becci Anderson & Al Rea, USGS– “National Hydrography Data Sets”
- Call to Order—Chair Amy Shallcross DRBC called to order at 2:02 p.m. Central.
- Introductions of Participants on the call: Amy Shallcross, Chair; Sue Lowry, ICWP; Tom Littlepage, Mark Glaudemans, Adel Abdallah; Becci Anderson; Randy Hadland; John Banks; Drew Decker; Sara Larsen; Karen Reavy; Alan Rea; Joy Loughry; Wes Cattoor, Josh Weiss.
- Presentation by Becci Anderson, National Hydrography Management and Planning Lead, USGS and Al Rea, National Hydrography Science and Applications Lead, USGS on National Hydrography Dataset (NHD), Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD), and NHDPlus High Resolution (NHDPlus HR). Their full presentation can be seen here. Becci introduced the datasets, noting the power of reach code addresses such that other spatial data can be linked. Al gave some examples of using NHD, including Oregon Water Rights and California fish passage. The addition of high Resolution to the NHDPlusHR expands the granularity and value- added attributes that can be linked. Al mentioned the Wyoming StreamStats project and that refreshing some of the older work with these new capabilities would be desirable. Expanded uses include the National Water Model and ICWATER which identifies threats to water supplies. The sister program of 3DEP will be more closely linked with NHD suite of products into the future. Becci noted that the NHD programs haven’t had the same level of outside support as has 3DEP.
- Support letter for Modernization of NWISWeb to USGS leadership
Comments letter to Jim Kreft on Technical topics was approved by the committee to send to Jim.
- Support for NOAA-NWS Atlas 14 Point Precipitation Frequency Estimates (Atlas 14) -A background document on this topic was sent to committee members and Mark Glaudemans joined the call to describe the reimbursable funding model that is used for developing the Volumes under the Atlas 14 program. The northwest (WY, MT, ID, WA, OR) portion of the US is the only region that has not been completed. But other areas of the US are becoming quite dated and Mark’s group would like to update those older volumes. And lastly, the work so far only includes historical record and they would like to add non-stationarity modeling to the older work. Sue will research the best Appropriations staff to work with on this topic.
- Recap of All-committee call on Jan. 8
- Drought cross cutting topic among all committees
- Workplan development for the Committee—Due to limited time, Amy asked the committee members to review the current workplan listing and be prepared to discuss priorities on the next Committee call as to what’s do-able for 2020 and to think about which 1-3 topics would be highest priority for developing Statements of Principles
- Other items for the Committee’s consideration
- Topics for Internship program—no applications were received.
- Development of 2020 Stakeholder Support letter for USGS streamgaging—Sue is awaiting FY20 streamgaging program allocations from Bob Joseph and will complete the letter when those are received.
- Next call or webinar—Set for February 27 at 2 p.m. Central time.