Water Planning Committee Meeting Summary August 26, 2019 Webinar–Jodee Pring, WWDO
- Call to Order—Chair Jennifer Hoggatt-Missouri DNR—called to order at 10:03 a.m. Central.
- Introductions of Participants on the call: Jennifer Hoggatt, MO DNR, Chair; Sue Lowry, ICWP Executive Director; Jodee Pring, Wyoming WDO; Brian Atkins Alabama OWR; Pooja Kanwar, MNDNR; Mark Matlock, PADEQ; Matt Unruh, KWO; Gail Melgren, Tri-State; Jennifer Schellpeper, NEDNR; Linwood Peele and Klaus Albertin, NCDWR.
- Summary of July 15, 2019 webinar—Jennifer recapped the state presentations that have been made to the committee so far. Last meeting was concentrated on Minnesota’s One Watershed/One Plan
- State Water Planning Presentation:
- Jodee Pring, Wyoming Water Development Office–Jodee’s presentation can be downloaded here:
Jodee described the authorities of the Water Development Office and the changes that are being implemented in the Water Planning Program in Wyoming. A Governor-appointed commission oversees the agency, as well as a Select Water Committee of the Legislature. Funding for the projects supported by the WWDO are earmarked from severance taxes (energy development). But due to the volatility of energy prices and production, forecasting can be difficult. Incorporating GIS into a more usable and shareable product was big part of new approach. Water Availability Index will take the place of the River Basin Plans and focus on the parts of the state with the most change. Will do the work in-house rather than via consultant contracts. A goal of the new direction is leading to a Decision Support System.
Q&A: There was much interest in Water Supply index and Jodee offered to do another presentation on the index after the consultants have finished their report and the WWDO staff have the index completed. How to communicate water planning needs and issues to state legislators—maybe this could be a panel at a future meeting (either the committee or annual meeting). Wyoming is reviewing Dashboard software already available. Jodee will share her slides for posting to the ICWP website.
- Jennifer Schellpeper, Nebraska DNR—to allow for ample time for questions to Jodee and for Nebraska’s presentation, Jennifer will be the presenter on the next committee webinar.
- Topics and speakers for future water planning learning opportunities
- Kansas Water Office has offered to present
- Planning related topics from Board Strategic Planning session Aug. 5
- Water Quality and Infrastructure—As ICWP has limited resources and can’t take on all issues related to water policy; the Board discussed how to follow ancillary topics that are being covered policy-wise by other organizations. ICWPs interest will be in how these topics relate to the bigger implementation/water management being accomplished by ICWP members. This committee will think about how to incorporate a discussion of these two issues in future workplans.
- Relevant activities from other ICWP committees:
- Legislation and Policy leading efforts on issues priorities survey to ICWP members and prospects—
- Now plan to survey members at Mobile—the draft survey topics were shared with the committee on August 15th. Any other suggestions should be sent to Sue by early Sept.
- PAS Letter to RD James
- Legislation and Policy leading efforts on issues priorities survey to ICWP members and prospects—
The edits received from Matt Unruh to make the examples more generic and not attributed to a single state were discussed and agreed that was a preferred approach. Drew Dehoff had added language to expand the drought impacts to more water supply oriented. Sue will make these changes and the letter will be presented to the Board on their Sept. 12 call for approval.
- Next call or webinar—Monday, September 30 at 10 a.m. central.