Water Planning Committee Meeting Summary January 14, 2019 Conference Call
- Call to Order—Chair Jennifer Hoggatt-Missouri DNR
Jennifer called to order at 9:04 a.m. MST
- Introductions of Participants on the call
Jennifer Hoggatt, MO DNR; Sue Lowry, ICWP Executive Director; Peter Gill, Wyoming Water Development Office; Brian Atkins, Alabama DECA; Ed Swaim, Arkansas NRC; Jennifer Schellpeper, Nebraska DNR.
- Review Meeting Summary from December 17, 2018 call
Jennifer recapped the variety of approaches to water planning that were summarized by the participants last call.
- Status of water planning from any members not on the Dec. call
- Updating; Scope of basins; Approach
Jennifer Schellpeper gave a summary of the planning efforts in Nebraska, which has a very de-centralized approach to planning. There is no statutory requirement for a statewide plan. The NRD’s across the state (groundwater management authorities) work with DNR to develop integrated plans. Some areas have mandated water allocation and have different plans than those in the voluntary IMP areas. Sources of funding are either directly from the Legislature and also a grant program to the local entities. Are including drought planning in some areas.
- New storage opportunities being explored or included in Plans
Jennifer noted that in MO they are blessed generally with ample water supplies, but during times of shortage there is a need for additional storage or ability to move water to stressed areas. The couple of projects moving forward in MO are PL-566 funded. Peter described the Dams and Reservoirs section of the WWDO and the funding and technical assistance programs that are offered by that section and the Wyoming Governor’s “10 in 10 initiative” (10 storage facilities built in 10 years). These facilities are in the 5K to 20K AF range. Peter discussed the relationship of River basin and watershed scale planning and the identification of specific projects for implementation. Brian discussed that infrastructure is the limiting factor in Alabama, not water supply. An Alabama municipality recently completed a second storage dam, but there are some structural deficiencies with the project. The state does not have a funding program; the local entities would take the lead. In Arkansas, the NRC has a program for loans, but there is not much new development or enlargement of facilities happening in the state. The state plan discusses the opportunities at USACE storage facilities. In Nebraska, they look at any opportunities for stretching existing water supplies, not necessarily new or enlarged infrastructure. They have a local sustainability fund that requires a local match.
- Topic ideas for the Water Planning panels at Washington Roundtable April 2-3, 2019
Jennifer has a few ideas and any other should send the speaker/topic to Sue in the next week or so.
- Other items for the Committee’s consideration
- Future Topics that have been Raised:
- Summarizing Authorities, including rulemaking, by state/interstate for aspects of Water Planning
Sue updated the committee that the ICWP Board of Directors are moving forward with an Internship Program and the review of state’s water planning authorities is a project the intern could select. Jennifer Schellpeper noted that keeping in close touch with water resource professors greatly improves the access to students and the quality of the product. NEDNR has also funded assistanceships providing for the grad student’s stipend.
- Next call or webinar—Scheduling and discussion on frequency
Next call will be Feb. 25, Monday 10 a.m. Central.