Water Planning Committee Meeting Summary March 2, 2020 Webinar–Kelly Smith–National Drought Mitigation Center– “Water Planning Resources”
- Call to Order—Chair Jennifer Hoggatt-Missouri DNR—called to order at 10:03 a.m. Central.
- Introductions of Participants on the call: : Jennifer Hoggatt, Sue Lowry, Amy Shallcross, Kelly Smith, Pooja Kanwar, Mark Matlock, Matt Unruh, Jodee Pring, Mabel Jones, Jennifer Schellpeper, James Horton, Gail Melgren, Jessica Frische, Carrie Wiese
- Presentation: Kelly Smith, National Drought Mitigation Center on the Water Planning resources from the NDMC: Click here for presentation slides.
Kelly has been at the NDMC since it formed in 1995 and has a degree in Community Planning. Cody Knutson is the Planning coordinator at NDMC and much of the results Kelly will discuss are from Cody’s work. Only a couple of states had drought plans when NDMC formed and now many have some sort of plan. NDMC differentiates between Response plan (during the event, like a hay hotline) vs. mitigation plans (reducing the impact, such as a supplemental groundwater source). A summary slide showed which states have Drought Plans, State Water Plans, State Climate Plans, Hazards Mitigation Plans. NDMC is now working to compare these types of plans and analyze what types of migration actions are written in the plans. Kelly discussed the Colorado Drought Mitigation and Response Plan (gold standard) and its link to state water plan. New Mexico had 5 stages of concern for drought development, but found it was difficult for officials to meet often enough to work through this many stages. Their updated plan decreased to 3 stages. Several states have incorporated the USDM as trigger in plans, while other states using standardized precipitation index. Drought Impact Reporter—NDMC has staff that search print and on-line media for drought stories which meet the criteria for quantifying impacts. Hawaii analyzed which parts of the state were dependent upon surface water supplies and thus more vulnerable to drought. Scenario exercise (gaming) preparedness exercises,–NDMC website has resources on how to develop one of these exercises. May be FEMA funding to implement drought preparedness projects (such as ASR) Worked with American Planning Association on incorporating into various sectors, municipal, industrial, ag, etc.
- All-committee Activities
- Drought recognized as cross cutting issue for all committees
- WD&S committee contacting Veva Deheza (NIDIS) for first all committee webinar to be scheduled in mid- to late April.
- Develop 2020 workplan and identify 1-3 Principle Statements topics
- PAS top ranking topic for this committee from members’ survey
- Jennifer developing a couple of draft Principle statements. Sue mentioned that the other committees are also developing statements and the timeline is for the committees to review in early summer and recommend to the Board for their approval in late summer such that the principle statements are ready for distribution at the October 13-15 Annual Meeting in Philadelphia.
- Relevant activities from other ICWP committees:
- Infrastructure/WRDA comments from L & P—ICWP has submitted comments on WRDA20 development to both the Senate and House committees.
- Any planning related topics to raise before the Water Sub-cabinet at the DC Roundtable meetings. Sue re-capped the general agenda for the Roundtable meetings March 30-April 2.
- Topics and speakers for future water planning learning opportunities
- Matt Unruh, Kansas Water Office will present on HAB’s and its relationship to state water planning on the May 18 meeting
- Holding a webinar on FEMA grants related to migration planning would be a topic of interest to the committee. Sue will check with Chuck Chaitovitz for a contact at FEMA who could speak to funding opportunities.
- Next call or webinar—all-committee webinar in mid-late April. Next Water Planning separate webinar on May 18 at 10 a.m. Central
Water Planning Committee: Provide a forum of the exchange of ideas and concepts related to state and regional water planning.
2019 Accomplishments:
- Webinars from state planning efforts, including MN, MO, WY and Nebraska
- Contributed Planning topics/speakers for Annual Meeting and Washington DC Roundtable
Issues for 2020 Workplan
- Continue with Webinar presentations from individual states on their water planning programs
- Support for PAS, including cost share change in WRDA letter
- Water Quality and Infrastructure—how ICWP might integrate these topics with our main mission topic areas
- Revolutionize CW Listening Session at 2020 Washington Roundtable