ICWP Announces Internship Program for Spring, 2022–Apply by January 14, 2022
The Interstate Council on Water Policy (ICWP) has immediate openings for up to three interns to assist in accomplishing its mission for Spring, 2022.
The internships are unpaid; however, there are numerous benefits including the opportunity to develop a broad understanding of current national water policy issues. In addition, interns will also benefit through complimentary registration to the ICWP Washington DC Roundtable, (which is expected to be held in person April 5-7, 2022), participation in Board of Director and committee meetings (committees include Legislation and Policy, Water Data and Science, Water Planning, and Interstate Water Management), and the opportunity to meet national leaders in water policy.
Interns will work with a supervisor to select one or more projects based on her/his interests and skills. The list below is not comprehensive, but provides some example projects.
- Aging Water Infrastructure—The intern may review state approaches to providing compelling arguments to state legislatures on the needs and risks associated with aging water resources infrastructure. Innovative state funding methods or solutions are also of interest.
- Irrigation Infrastructure—The intern may review how states are assessing the condition of and critical rehabilitation requirements for non-federally owned agriculture water infrastructure to understand funding needs. Innovative state funding methods or solutions related to agricultural systems are also of interest.
- Climate Change and Water Resources Management—The intern may, at a high level, review the various global climate prediction models and assess the capability to downscale those predictions to the river basin scale. The intern may also review and summarize the planned activities in each of the federal Climate Action Plans developed under Executive Order 14008.
- Indemnification Clauses—The intern may review the 50 state constitutions to identify ones with indemnification clauses that would prohibit the state from signing current versions of the USACE’s Program Partnership Agreement contracts.
- ICWP’s Congressional Directory—The intern may update ICWP’s Congressional Directory that shows committee assignments and members serving on authorizing and funding committees of water related agencies/topics for the minority and majority in the Senate and House of Representatives.
- ICWP Streamgaging—The intern may support ICWP’s streamgaging advocacy with a focus on better communicating the importance of the network to a broad constituency and/or assisting with annual stakeholder support letters.
- Water Planning Agencies—The intern may develop a comprehensive list of water planning agencies across the nation including contact information for the manager of each. A review of state water plans for flood response content could also be accomplished.
Interns will work from the convenience of their own office using their own computer. Interns are expected to participate in weekly calls with their supervisor. These are part-time, temporary positions with flexible working hours. The culmination of the internships will be presentation of findings at the Washington DC Roundtable, scheduled for April 5-7, 2022. Internships may be extended based on availability and interest.
Preferred Education: Seniors or Graduate students in natural resources, planning, or water policy related field.
ICWP is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Applicants will not be discriminated against on the basis of any non-job related factor. Visit www.icwp.org to learn more about ICWP.
To apply, please send a cover letter and resume to ICWP Executive Director Sue Lowry at sue@icwp.org by 5:00 PM Eastern on January 14, 2022.
This notice can be downloaded HERE