NWS Atlas 14 Program Fact Sheet–March, 2020
The Hydrometeorological Design Studies Center (HDSC) within the Office of Water Prediction of NOAA’s NWS has been updating precipitation frequency estimates for various parts of the United States and affiliated territories in its Atlas 14…
2020 Senate Streamgage Letter (FY21)
2020 House Streamgage Letter (FY21)
2020 Washington DC Roundtable –CANCELLED–March 30-April 2, 2020 Crystal City DoubleTree Hotel
Registration and Lodging Information for the 2020 Washington DC Roundtable.
Legislation & Policy Committee Meeting Summary February 28, 2020 Conference Call
Call to Order—Kirsten Wallace, Chair-called to order at 10:04 a.m. Central
Introductions of Participants on the call: Kirsten Wallace, Chair; Katherine Zitsch, Sue Lowry, Kelly Pennington, Sam Swartz, Brian Atkins, Amy Shallcross.